Learn About the Amazing Benefits of CBD and Its Intake Criteria

Learn About the Amazing Benefits of CBD and Its Intake Criteria


CBD has a lot of health benefits. CBD can help reduce symptoms of a number of medical conditions including anxiety and depression.

CBD and Its Use in the Medicine Field

If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, you first need to visit your doctor. They will examine your medical history and then prescribe you the best treatment plan. If you want to try CBD products, you can discuss your options with your doctor.

Products like CBD tincture, oils, sprays and edibles can be found in licensed dispensaries such as JustCBD store located in Northern Ireland, UK. The tinctures in their stores come in different flavors and sizes. If you are looking for pure tinctures, then you can even try out their organic honey tinctures. You can opt from a range of 50mg to 1500mg tinctures.

Tinctures are easy to use. You can either drop the liquid under your tongue so that they easily get absorbed into your bloodstream. If you hate the taste of CBD, then you can add these into foods or drinks and consume them.

On the medical front, CBD when used in the right dosage can help:

  • CBD can help to reduce symptoms of chemotherapy and other medications for cancer
  • It can also help reduce acne
  • It can help reduce obesity
  • It can help improved the blood sugar levels in your body, thus preventing diabetes
  • It can improve the blood circulation and prevent cardiovascular diseases
  • It can lower the bad cholesterol in your body
  • It can improve focus and concentration
  • It has anti inflammatory properties that can reduce pain
  • It can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression symptoms
  • It can help improve the serotonin levels in the body that are responsible for mood swings
  • It improves your sleep quality if you suffer from insomnia

When it comes to CBD, it is always advisable to go with the minimum dosage or as per the dosage prescribed by your doctor. If you are confused on which CBD products might suit you, you can experiment with the popular ones such as:

  • CBD edibles that consist of gummies, cookies, smoothies, chocolates and protein bars
  • CBD lozenges, oils or sprays that can directly absorbed into your bloodstream
  • CBD creams, balms or lotions that can be used in treatment of skin problems
  • E-liquids can be used in vaping devices for faster and quicker results

Criteria While Purchasing CBD products

Many companies keep coming up with CBD products claiming to be of superior quality, but how can you guarantee on the credibility.

The below points can help you distinguish between genuine and fake companies:

  • Check for lab reports uploaded onto the website of the dispensary
  • Check if the products are made from organic grown cannabis
  • Check the CBD and THC content on the product. It should not exceed 0.3%
  • Go in for broad or full spectrum oils as these are made from pure cannabis


Purchasing good quality CBD products is very essential for your overall health. Gather information about the company from whom you plan on purchasing CBD products to be on the safer side.